Discernment - Friday

Fairview is currently a two week time of discernment. The Community Discovery Team has spent several months talking with our neighbors and community members to hear about the needs present in the Fairview neighborhood. Every person at Fairview is being asked to spend time each day in prayer, listening for God’s guidance for our church.

Friday - Proclaiming Values of Love and Inclusivity

Racism, hate, discrimination and violence are before people each day, in the news and sometimes in their personal lives.  Individuals are often left with wanting to do something positive to counter the negative, but they are often unsure of what they can do to make a difference or to make their voice heard.


Parents want to instill in their children values of love, inclusion and celebrating diversity.  They would gladly welcome other adults, peers or organizations that will share or reinforce those values.  A need exists to help people proclaim and teach these values in their homes and in public, and to come together to raise voices together to speak out messages of love and inclusion.

Take a few moments to quiet yourself and then read the scripture below.  If it is helpful, get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and concentrate on taking a few deep breaths before reading.

John 13:34
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’


Take a few moments to answer the following questions. If it is helpful to you, feel free to write your answers down.

  • What is your personal experience with the need to proclaim values of love and inclusivity? 

  • Where in the community have you seen evidence of this need?

  • Why do you think it might be important for Fairview to have a part in addressing this need?

  • What do you think God might be saying to you or to Fairview about proclaiming values of love and inclusivity?


When you are ready say aloud or read quietly the following prayer.

God of love, help me love as you love today.
Help me to see as you see,
to notice those who need your love
and need to be included.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Fairview Church