
Bible Study
Tuesdays @ 10

Join Pastor Shawn by Zoom to read, study, and discuss the coming Sunday’s sermon passage. Learn more about the meaning and context of the scripture, and be part of a discussion about what the passage means for us today.

Thursday Morning Bible Study
@ 10:30

In room 1 (lower level) at Fairview. Currently studying the book: of  “The Flawed Family of God,” a Bible study examining the families of Genesis, starting with how the Adam and Eve story encompasses far more ways of being family than most of us think.


Evening Prayer
Wednesdays @ 7:00

The Fairview Prayer Group invites you to join them by Zoom for a brief time of sharing and praying for one another, our church, the community, and the world. We begin with a time of centering prayer, sharing joys and concerns for prayer, praying as a group, and plan to let others know that we have kept them in prayer.

Morning Prayer
Sundays @ 9:45

Join in prayer for the joys and concerns of our church, community and the world. They meet in the Meditation Room on the main level of the church, just pass the church office.

Zoom Groups can be joined at
or by calling (312) 626-6799 and using Meeting ID 927 468 522.

Let Us Help You Connect!

Can't figure out how to get your camera on your laptop to work? Not sure how to watch the service on Facebook? Do you want to participate in worship, Bible Study, or Prayer Group but just can't make the technology work? Please let Pastor Shawn or the church office know ( know. We have Fairview members and friends who have volunteered to give you a call and work with you to get connected to our online offerings. They would love to help you!