What to Expect at Fairview

We would love to have you join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 a.m.!

What to Expect

We are located between Meridian and Butler University, right on the corner of 46th and Capitol.  You are welcome to park in our parking lot or on Capitol Avenue. 

Each Sunday we have Greeters ready to welcome you with a smile, direct you where you wish to go, and answer any questions you may have. When you arrive you will be given a program with information about the day's service and other ministries of the church. Childcare is available at every service.

What Should I Wear?

Clothes!  Beyond that, it's whatever you feel comfortable in. We have people each Sunday in jeans and a t-shirt, and others in a suit and tie. We are happy to see you here whatever outfit you are wearing!

How Do I Learn More About Activities at Fairview?

All the latest church events are highlighted in the Sunday News that is handed out in each worship service. You can also subscribe to one of our email lists by clicking here. We have two weekly emails: Weekly event highlights and Prayer Concerns.

 What about Children?

Jesus Loves the Little Children, and so do we!   Children (and all of their joyful noises) are always welcome in church at Fairview but we understand that sometimes parents need a quieter worship experience for themselves.  

Fairview offers several options for caring for or engaging your young one during worship time:

  • Activity bags (books, coloring supplies, etc) are hanging on the back wall of the sanctuary for older children to use during the service.

  • A basket of quiet toys, books, and a blanket to sit on is available in the narthex and can be used in the open space in the back of the church.  A parent or nursery volunteer must supervise. 

  • A separate nursery is available, staffed with 2 trained volunteers.  An usher in the entry can direct you to the nursery. 

Please feel free to email us at office@fairviewindy.org or call us (317.251.2245) with any questions.